Register by April 30 to receive the $20 Early Bird Discount - remember weeks and attractions fill up quickly. When you register online, you will receive a $10 discount and confirmation by email. There are also multiple payment plans available (register early for the most payment plan options). If you mail or fax your application and payment to our office, you will receive an email confirmation in approximately two weeks, unless you indicate you prefer it mailed. You will also receive more specific information about camper check-in and your health history form to be completed and brought with you to camp.
Camp Communication
Our standard method of communication is through email, however, if a special circumstance arises (illness, injury, behavioral, etc.), the parent/guardian will be contacted by phone.
Camper Mail, E-mail, and Phone
Camper mail is delivered and picked up from Cohutta Springs daily. Address camper letters to:(Your Camper's Name), Cohutta Springs Youth Camp, 1181 Cohutta Springs Rd., Crandall, GA 30711. You can also bring your mail to the camp store during Camper Check-in and it will be distributed throughout the week. Note: Limit of two packages per week per camper due to high volume.
Camper Email: Please click here for instructions on how to send one-way email to a camper.
Call the main office to have your questions answered, 706-602-7346. If you need to call your camper, please do so if it is an emergency only, 706-517-2280.
Photos & Updates
Click here to view daily camp activities and camper photos – pictures will be posted daily. Occasionally there are technical difficulties that interfere with posting pictures – please know we work diligently to correct the problem – we thank you for your patience and ask that you do not send emails in this regard. We cannot guarantee you will see your child throughout the week and cannot take requests for photos of specific campers, but you will get a good overview of camp activity.
You can also get the inside scoop on our Facebook and Instagram accounts here.
Camp Rules
The Administration reserves the right to reject an applicant and to send home any boy or girl whose influence is considered injurious to the best interest of the camp and/or campers.
Due to safety, health concerns and camp environment, we request that campers do not bring electronic devices, computers, cellular phones, skateboards, scooters, jewelry, pets, knives, guns, ammunition, fireworks, matches, tobacco, vaping devices, alcohol, drugs or drug paraphernalia to camp.
Medical Help & Safety
Cohutta Springs is proud of it's safety record. We meet the requirements of the American Camp Association (ACA) for medical supervision. A nurse is available at the camp clinic 24 hours a day. Cohutta Springs Youth Camp is not staffed to provide a full service special medical needs program. Please Note: Cohutta Springs Youth Camp has limited accident insurance. The camp will provide the primary coverage to a certain level and family insurance will be secondary. Health insurance remains the family's responsibility, i.e. flu, earaches, and other personal health issues. Read more on our Medical/Safety page.
Staff Selection
Great camps start with the best staff. We never hire on a whim or perception, only with unquestioning recommendations of highly credible people who know them well. Staff employment requires a formal application, three recommendation forms, and an interview with the Camp Director. A background check is run on each person hired.
Cabin Assignments
Campers are assigned to cabins according to sex (male or female) as designated at birth. Campers are also grouped together in cabins according to their chosen morning activity. Cabins are assigned prior to arrival. This will enable counselor supervision at all times throughout the week, and will enhance your check-in experience on Sunday. Cabinmates may be requested, but we don’t guarantee requests of more than three campers will be housed together. It is unlikely for campers registered for different activities to be in the same cabin.
Stay More than One Week
As long as it is age appropriate for your child, we would be glad to have him/her register for a second week. Free laundry service is offered for campers staying consecutive weeks.
Seven Totally Healthy Days
Sunshine, mountain fresh air, up-lifting role models, lots of exercise and food (complete vegetarian meals) all combine to provide our campers with seven healthy days!
Cohutta Springs Camp Store
At our own on site camp store, campers buy Cohutta Springs mementos including caps, postcards, quality sweatshirts, T-shirts, snacks, etc. We suggest $25-$50 spending money. You may include store money when paying for camp fees. We encourage campers to keep their money in the camp store bank where it is safe and they have access to it during all camp store hours.
At the end of the week, campers are given the opportunity to donate any of their remaining money to the Campership Fund, a fund which assists with the cost of camp for families in financial need. Any money remaining in your camper's store account will be credited back to the online account under which your camper was registered. The funds will remain on the account for future use unless you email our main office at and request a refund.
Camper Check-In
Camper Check-in at camp is on Sunday from 2:00-4:30 pm (Eastern Time). For your convenience, there will be a staff member stationed at the Youth Camp entrance to direct you. Because our staff is eager to make your child's week at camp the best it can be, they are totally involved with camp preparation details. Therefore, we cannot accept early camper check-ins or have parents drop off campers early.
Camper Check-Out
REG & RAD Camp Check-Out time at Camp - 10:00-10:30 am, Sunday (Eastern Time)
Adventure Camp Check-Out time at Camp - 2:30-3:00 pm, Friday (Eastern Time)
Pick up campers from their cabins and thank you for being prompt!
Because your child’s safety is a priority, it is our policy for the parent/guardian to inform us of the check-out arrangements when registering your child. The authorized person must sign your child out the following Sunday. If there are changes in your child’s travel arrangements, please log in to your account to make sure you've included the person on the authorized pick-up list. If after 5 p.m. on Friday, please call the camp office at 706-517-2280 so we can update the information and send your child home according to your direction.
Same Day Check-Out & Check-In
If checking out and checking in campers on the same Sunday, Check-out may be delayed until 1:30 pm (EST). There will be a $15.00 fee per camper for lunch and supervision. If you did not select this option during registration, you can make arrangements at camp during camper Check-In. If you do not Check-out your waiting camper by 1:30 pm (EST), a $10.00/hour fee will be charged per camper.
Cohutta Springs is proud to be accredited by the American Camp Association.