Camper Contact
Camper mail, e-mail and phone
Camper mail is delivered and picked up from Cohutta Springs daily. Address camper letters to:(Your Camper's Name), Cohutta Springs Youth Camp, 1181 Cohutta Springs Rd., Crandall, GA 30711. Or you can bring your mail to Camper Check-in and it will be distributed throughout the week.
Camper email: Please click here for instructions on how to send one-way email to a camper. You must use the account under which your camper is registered or be connected through a “Friend Account” to send email.
Call the main office to have your questions answered, 706-602-7346. If you need to call you child, please do so if it is an emergency only, 706-517-2280.
Note: Emails sent by midnight are delivered the following day. The last emails of the week are printed on Saturday. Emails sent after midnight on Friday will not be delivered. No email or mail delivery on Sundays. (Last emails for Adventure Camp are delivered on Thursday.)